Family Wealth: Keeping It In The Family

The Book That Reshaped the Estate Planning Field

James Hughes' landmark book that encouraged exceptional families to shift their thinking about heritage, wealth, and legacy passing to future generations. While most saw it as a book written only for the very wealthy, I found seeds of true wealth - that applies to every family

It continues to inspire my work at TrustCounsel Law. - David Talley

As one Amazon reviewer wrote:

"It is the only book I have found that addresses wealth management in holistic and systemic manner.
James Hughes makes sure from the very beginning of the book that the reader understands that:

"A family's wealth consists primarily of its human capital (defined as all the individuals
who make up the family) and its intellectual capital (defined as everything that each
individual member knows), and secondary of its financial capital."

I find fascinating that in a world where every single thing tends to be quantified and often reduced to its monetary market value, a famous specialist in coaching families on how to preserve their wealth begins by saying that the financial capital is SECONDARY to the physical and emotional well being, the ability to pursue happiness and the education/knowledge of EACH of the family members."

It is our great honor to share this with our community. We truly appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you and your families.

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