Tacit Wealth

Tacit Wealth

Wealth is often thought of as money, property, and possessions. But there's another kind of wealth that's often overlooked: tacit wealth. Tacit wealth is the knowledge, skills, and experience that we accumulate over our lifetime. It's the sum of what we know and can do. And it's a major source of our personal power and influence. While money may buy you things, it doesn't buy you tacit wealth. That can only be acquired through learning and experience. So if you want to be wealthy in the truest sense of the word, start building your tacit wealth today.


Wealth, in economics, is defined as anything that provides benefits or services flow. The term "tacit wealth" refers to a special category of wealth that provides benefits or services without being physical tangible assets. In other words, tacit wealth is the economic value of knowledge, skills, and relationships. Tacit wealth is an important concept because it helps us understand the role of intangible assets in the economy. We often think of intangible assets as being unimportant or even valueless. However, tacit wealth helps us see how intangible assets can create significant economic value. Tacit wealth is also important because it is not evenly distributed across society. Some individuals and groups have much more tacit wealth than others. This can lead to inequality and social stratification. There are a number of ways to measure tacit wealth. One common approach is to use surveys to ask people about their knowledge, skills, and relationships. Another approach is to use social network analysis to map out the structures of knowledge, skills, and relationships. Tacit wealth is a complex concept with many implications for economics and society. It is important to understand tacit wealth if we want to create an economy that works for everyone.

The Nature of Tacit Wealth

Tacit wealth is an important but often overlooked concept in economic development. Briefly, it refers to the intangible assets that a community or region has which can be used to drive economic growth. These assets may be natural (e.g. a pleasant climate, good natural resources) or man-made (e.g. a skilled labor force, a well-developed infrastructure). There are many different types of tacit wealth, and their importance will vary from place to place. For example, in a rural area with few roads and limited access to education, human capital (the skills and knowledge of the workforce) may be more important than physical capital (roads, buildings, etc.). In an urban area with a wealth of cultural amenities, social capital (the networks and relationships between people) may be more important than human capital. The concept of tacit wealth is important for two reasons. First, it can help us to understand why some places are more successful than others in terms of economic development. Second, it can help us to identify the areas where we should focus our limited resources in order to achieve the greatest impact. If you would like to learn more about tacit wealth, I recommend reading The Tacit Dimension by Edward Tufte or The Invisible Wealth of Nations by Anthony De Jasay.

The Sources of Tacit Wealth

Tacit wealth is an important but often overlooked source of economic strength. Tacit wealth refers to the skills, knowledge, and abilities that people possess but may not be aware of. It is the kind of wealth that is not easily measured or quantified, and it can give a significant competitive advantage to those who have it. Tacit wealth can be divided into three categories: human capital, social capital, and organizational capital. Human capital refers to the skills and knowledge that people have acquired through education and experience. Social capital refers to the networks of relationships that people have built up over time. Organizational capital refers to the resources and capabilities that organizations have developed. Each of these sources of tacit wealth has the potential to give a significant competitive advantage. Those who are able to tap into them effectively will be well positioned to succeed in the economy of the future.

The Importance of Tacit Wealth

Tacit wealth refers to the value of intangible assets, such as know-how, skills, and relationships. While often overlooked, tacit wealth is a critical source of competitive advantage. Organizations with a strong focus on tacit wealth are better able to attract and retain top talent, develop new products and services, and drive innovation. In fact, many of the world’s most successful companies have built their competitive advantage on the strength of their tacit wealth. The Importance of Tacit Wealth Tacit wealth is a key driver of competitive advantage. Organizations that focus on developing their tacit wealth are better able to attract and retain top talent, drive innovation, and develop new products and services. Building a Competitive Advantage with Tacit Wealth To build a competitive advantage with tacit wealth, organizations need to focus on three key areas: attracting and retaining top talent, driving innovation, and developing new products and services.

The Benefits of Tacit Wealth

While there are many benefits to having wealth in the form of money or assets, there are also benefits to having wealth in the form of experience and knowledge. This is known as tacit wealth. Tacit wealth is difficult to quantify, but it can be thought of as the value of the skills, knowledge, and experience that you have acquired over your lifetime. There are several benefits to having tacit wealth. Firstly, it can help you to better navigate through life's challenges. Secondly, it can give you a competitive edge in both your personal and professional life. Finally, it can provide you with a sense of satisfaction and purpose. While money and assets are important, don't forget the value of your own experiences and knowledge. These things make up your tacit wealth and they can be just as valuable in achieving success in life.

The Limitations of Tacit Wealth

Tacit wealth is the value of intangible assets—the stuff you can’t touch or see—that people use every day. It includes everything from the skills we learn and the relationships we build to the cultural values we share and the knowledge we have about how to do things. While tacit wealth is incredibly important, it also has some limitations. One is that it can be hard to measure. Unlike physical assets, which can be counted and valued, tacit wealth is often intangible and harder to quantify. Another limitation of tacit wealth is that it can be difficult to transfer from one person to another. Unlike physical assets, which can be easily bought and sold, tacit wealth often depends on personal relationships and knowledge that is specific to an individual. This makes it hard to trade or sell tacit wealth without losing its value in the process. Finally, tacitness also means that tacit wealth can be lost when a person dies or leaves an organization. Unlike physical capital, which can be passed down through generations or transferred between organizations, tacit wealth often disappears when the person who holds it dies or leaves.

The Future of Tacit Wealth

As the digital age continues, we are seeing more and more businesses and individuals moving away from traditional forms of wealth, such as cash and investments, and towards digital assets. Tacit wealth is one such asset that is becoming increasingly popular. What is Tacit Wealth? Tacit wealth is an intangible asset that can be difficult to measure or value. It includes things like relationships, networks, knowledge, and expertise. In the digital age, tacit wealth is often in the form of online connections and social media followers. While it can be difficult to value tacit wealth, there are a number of ways to do it. One popular method is to look at the number of online connections someone has. For example, if someone has 1,000 Facebook friends or 10,000 Twitter followers, they likely have a lot of tacit wealth. Why is Tacit Wealth Important? Tacit wealth is important because it can be a strong predictor of success. Studies have shown that people with strong networks are more likely to get jobs, get promoted, and make more money than those without strong networks. Additionally, people with strong networks are also more likely to have better mental health and live longer lives. So, if you want to be successful in the digital age, it’s important to focus on building up your tacit wealth. Here are a few ways to do that: -Identify your existing tacit wealth: Take stock of your existing relationships, networks, and knowledge. These are your starting point for building up your tacit wealth. -Focus on quality over quantity: It’s better to have a few strong relationships than a large number of weak ones.Focus on deepening your existing relationships and building new ones with people who can provide value to you. -Provide value to others: One of the best ways to build up your tacit wealth is by providing value to others. This could be in the form of advice, connections, or simply being a good friend or colleague. When you provide value to others, they are more likely to want to help you in return.


In conclusion, it is evident that tacit wealth contributes to inequality in society. The ways in which tacit wealth is accumulated and lost are unfair and often reinforce existing disparities. While some argue that tacit wealth provides stability and security, it is clear that its distribution is often unequal and can lead to further inequality.