Digital Me

p> Introduction to preserving digital memories With the advancement of technology, the world is shifting to digital, and memories are no exception. Safeguarding digital memories has become a necessity rather than an option. Preserving Digital Memories requires a digital mindset and expertise that goes beyond traditional manual preservation methods. To efficiently maintain our precious moments …

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Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the music group Nirvana, died without a will at the age of 27 from a selfinflicted gunshot wound. Cobain was survived by his wife, Courtney Love, who reportedly suffered for years from drug addiction, and his minor child, Frances Bean Cobain. Following Cobain’s death, Love formed a limited liability company …

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Essential Planning

Basic Protection for All Adults in California From birth to 18, people in California are considered minors, dependent upon their parents (or court-appointed guardian) for decisions and management of their property and personal affairs. If children under 18 screw up, California Courts hold the parent(s)/guardian responsible, and look to them to fix it. At 18, …

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Silverado Fire Sparks Digital Transformation

On Mon, my family joined the 100K ordered to evacuate as Southern California’s  Silverado Fire approached. Driving to safety, I couldn’t help but think of everything we’d left behind…all our memories – art, books, family albums, heirlooms passed down through four generations…things my wife and I collected and curated during our life together… Then I …

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Once Your Kids Are 18, Make Sure They Sign These Documents

  While estate planning is probably one of the last things your teenage kids are thinking about, given the dire threat coronavirus represents, when they turn 18, it should be their (and your) number-one priority. Here’s why: At 18, they become legal adults in the eyes of the law, so you no longer have the authority to …

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How to Avoid the Need For a Prenuptial Agreement—Part 2

If you are engaged to be married, divorce is probably the last thing you and your fiancé want to be thinking about. Yet you might be rightfully concerned about what would happen to your assets should your marriage end in divorce or in the event of your death. One option you might be considering for …

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How to Avoid the Need For a Prenuptial Agreement—Part 1

If you’re counting down the days to your wedding, divorce is probably the last thing you and your fiancé want to be thinking about, and yet you might be rightfully concerned about what would happen to your assets in the event of a divorce—or your death. You may also be worried that suggesting a prenuptial …

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